I don't know how long I have actually had this blog account. I vaguely remember setting it up one night, several years ago. I have always wanted to use it, but I have been fearful of writing for so long and for no good reason. I suppose I didn't want to come across as stupid or pretentious or whiny or too cynical or too naive or whatever. It boils down to fearing criticism of any kind. It is insecurity and self doubt and whatever else is afflicting my psyche at the moment.
At this point in my life, I have decided to throw caution and bullshit to the wind and rise up out of my snot-sealed sarcophagus and scream "FUCK IT!" I mean, who's gonna read this anyway? And out of those that do, who's really going to care? We are all just id and ego floating around the interweb. It's taken my superego this long to let go of my id long enough to type these few lines. Seriously, Id has been imprisoned for a long time. I'd say about six years, and that is another story altogether. Maybe if this blog grows up, we'll talk about it.
And since the blog is now born, after a three or so years gestational period, I guess it must find a purpose, and quick. I mean, the pressure is on now! What the hell could I really write about in somewhat serial fashion? What do i know? I know a lot about food, and cooking, and there is endless amounts to learn about said subject, but it's gettin' tired, man. Everybody loves grilling pizzas and smoking zucchinis and shit now. If it ain't weird, don't eat it! And I don't have any money to go out buying weird shit just to experiment with, so I'll leave that to the other thousands of bloggers out there that are already doing it. I'm also learned about music of all sorts, but I'm not looking to be the next Pitchfork, or Brooklyn Vegan either. I'm way too lame to meet those expectations. I did used to dance around my parents living room, in a jock strap, blaring the Everly Brothers. My parents were laughing too hard to voice their true concerns, which I'm sure were great, and rightfully so. That's some weird shit for a ten year old to be mixed up in...
Holy hell... how long are these post thingies supposed to be? I mean, of course, by societal standards. I don't want to push the boundaries of blogging by any means. I just don't know what they are, and even if they exist. I guess, from what I have seen, it can get pretty weird out there in the realm of the blog. Regardless... I guess for now I'll just ramble on about nothing until a doorway appears to lead me to a true pathway for me and my blog to follow. Of course, in tow will be all of my baggage, carried by my ego with my id on a leash. I am sure that if my legions of subscribers that I will surely have amassed just minutes after this first post, if any of them have any questions that they need answered, then I will happily oblige, for I do know everything, and I'm not afraid to share my vast wealth of knowledge. Of course anything I don't know and can't google, I will just fill in with vast amounts of tiresome, uninteresting bullshit.
Use it as a trash can for your soul. I did. Perhaps we can make a pack to do it together. It's been way too long on my part!
You are now in my google reader. I am one of many fans in your legion. I expect updates every 4 hours or so.
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